Today's beauty   #peaceful #wonderful #sunset

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Direct - Running Out   ...of time ;-)


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Je crois que ça fait du sens, effectivement.   Une pièce jointe est virtuelle, forcément, comme l'email lui-même. On met dedans des choses virtuelles, mais qui font sens pour nous: des mots, des images, des informations concernant des évènements, etc ... et maintenant on peut y mettre de l'argent.   Rien que du virtuel, donc.

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Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe   by David Tong


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"Everything you thought they were, you are"   by Katie Byron
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Vance Joy - From Afar


Xploreyourfit, by Sinah Wow. I can't think in all my memories of a picture which would radiate more strength and femininity at the same time. The caption could be: "The woman" 👍 Blissful


"Rappel : si la tendance continue, les océans pourraient monter de 60M dans certaines régions" ... QUOI ? D'après Wikipedia: "En 2007 le GIEC, sans prendre en compte la fonte des glaces, faute de modèle prédictif satisfaisant indiquait une augmentation de 20 à 60 centimètres en 2100. Cependant, (...)" "(...) conclut que le GIEC sous-estimait la gravité de la fonte de l'Arctique. Selon l'AMAP, au rythme des années 1995-2000, l'augmentation des mers à cause de la fonte de l'Arctique atteindrait plutôt de 60 cm à 1,60 mètres d’ici 2100." "1,60 mètres", donc, et non pas "60 mètres". La différence est de taille. Par ailleurs, "à la dernière glaciation, il y a 18 000 ans, quand les centaines de milliers de kilomètres cubes de glace étaient empilés sur les continents en formant des glaciers, le niveau de la mer était 120 m plus bas" et là pour le coup, c'est réellement "120 mètres". Mais c'était lors d'une glaciation, et la calotte glaciaire couvrait tout le nord de l'Europe, des Etats-Unis et de la Russie


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A few hundred years ago, slavery was the norm.   But today it is easily seen as a barabism, and we blame old generations for having done that, without being able to understand their point of view. Because it's so hard to imagine how it was in the eyes and brains of that past time, from our fresh point of view.   So, to make an analogy and try to understand the past point of view, let's imagine that in the future, new generations wouldn't tolerate any ownership of the land anywhere on Earth. Because the land being alive, would fall onto the general rule that no entity of any kind will be allowed to own any form of life, because it would be considered to be slavery. So then, we would be seen from their perspective as primitive barbarians, just like we are tempted to see the slaves traders of the past.   It was another time, with another kind of people, that we today are not anymore, that's why we changed the rule and banned slavery. Not because it was "bad" or "inhuman", but because it suddenly became not fashionable anymore.   So be careful with judging, through time and involving people, it is particularly useless if not totally impossible.   L'esclavage - Partie 1, par Nota Bene L'esclavage - Partie 2, par Nota Bene
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Petit Biscuit - Sunset Lover   Joyeuse semaine à tous !   #adorable #cute #melody #music


Mario M - The Last Saint


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That cat loves music!